Search Results

STICA 16    Theobroma cacao

 Hunter, J.R. (1961)
The status of cacao variety improvement work in the Western Hemisphere. Cacao (Costa Rica) 4: pp. 1-16.

Collected by Min. of Agr./A.I.D..
Location: Costa Rica.

Notes:  Hunter, 1961 [HUN61A] Servicio Tecnico Internacional de Cooperacion Agricola.


 Mother to:
CC 34    Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981

Hunter, J.R. (1961) The status of cacao variety improvement work in the Western Hemisphere. Cacao (Costa Rica) 4: pp. 1-16.
Costa Rica - CATIE (1981) Genetic Resources of Cacao. A Catalogue of the CATIE Collection. J.M.M. Engels, Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Centre, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Technical Bulletin No. 7: pp. 191.