Allen, J.B. 1987
London Cocoa Trade Amazon Project. Final Report Phase 2. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin (Cadbury Schweppes plc, Birmingham, U.K.) 39: pp. 1-94.
Colombia, Ecuador - Amazon region Datafile: LCT___DC ECU - LCTAP Fruit and seed characteristics LCT2__DS LCTAP Habit and flower characteristics LCT___DS ECU - LCTAP Field and genebank data Germplasm: Details of 234 LCT-EEN and EBC accessions from material collected in the Amazon region of Ecuador and R. Caqueta, Colombia and several of Pound's collections held at the San Carlos genebank. Environment: Accessions were either described at the time of collection or after planting in the field genebank at the San Carlos site of the INIAP Napo-Payamino Experimental Station in Napo Province. In the field genebank, a maximum of 10 seedlings for each collection were planted in a single row and budwood collections were planted as a row of up to 5 plants. Trees were spaced at 3m within the row and 4m between rows. Meteorological data are given in the table as mean daily maximum and mean daily minimum temperature and mean total rainfall per month. Soil analyses were carried out in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Edinburgh University, UK. The table shows the means of duplicate analyses of five samples taken from the genebank site and the forest surrounding the genebank. Soil data: pH 4.2 Org. Mat. (%) 9.4 N (Total, %) 0.3 P (Total, µg/g) 702 Ca (meq/100g) 5.19 Mg (meq/100g) 1.60 K (meq/100g) 0.48 Ca/Mg (ratio) 3.24 Ca+Mg/K (ratio) 14.1 Meteorological data: Temperature (°C) Rainfall (mm) Daily Max. Daily Min. January 30.9 21.2 116.2 February 29.1 20.6 272.3 March 29.8 21.2 260.0 April 29.9 21.3 327.5 May 29.9 21.0 287.9 June 27.9 20.4 308.1 July 28.1 20.0 254.1 August 29.3 20.3 262.5 September 30.3 20.5 282.4 October 30.6 21.1 257.1 November 30.8 21.1 361.2 December 31.0 21.4 154.8 Descriptors: The coding of the descriptors, and the methodology of recording, is based on the IBPGR standardised format, Engels et al., 1980 [ENG80A] and Engels, 1981 [ENG81A]. However, pod and bean data were recorded from a sample of 1-5 pods per collection, rather than the recommended sample of 10-20 pods due to limited availability of pods.
Bean Fruit