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ARBOL ESTERIL    Theobroma cacao

 Bartley, B.G.D. (1993)
Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.

Location: La Hulera, CATIE, Costa Rica.

Notes:  Bartley, 1993 [BAR93A] (Span. -sterile tree).

Synonyms: CATIE 694


 Costa Rica, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 19375
   - Local Name: Árbol estéril
   - Year of Accession: 1993

Bartley, B.G.D. (1993) Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.