Trinidad - ICGT 1998
Flower and fruit descriptions. Unpublished data supplied on computer diskette by International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad, University of the West Indies
Replaced by data received in 2022 (view data), which will be updated as required.
Trinidad - International Cocoa Genebank, CRU, University of the West Indies
Flower descriptor data is presented for 620 clones. The germplasm is mainly of Peruvian, Ecuadorian and Colombian origin. Fruit descriptor data is presented for 333 clones. The seed characters of 118 clones are partly described. The germplasm is mainly of Peruvian, Ecuadorian and Colombian origin. Environment: Each clone is represented in the collection by up to 16 trees planted 1.8 m apart in a block design. Shading is provided by Erythrina sp. (spaced 60m apart) and bananas (spaced 4m apart). Fertilizer, N-P-K (15:10:5), is provided twice a year at 250g per tree. Cyclic irrigation is performed from February to May (10 l of water per plant/week). Soil type group -33 A 1 Soil Series - Cunupia fine sandy clay with restricted internal drainage Lithology - silty clay alluvium Drainage - imperfect Slope category - 0°-2° Meterological data are given in this table as mean maximum, mean minimum and overall mean temperature and mean total rainfall per month over the period 1961-1990. Month Temp. (°C) Rainfall Max Min Mean (mm) January 30.1 20.8 24.6 71.2 February 30.2 20.8 25.0 43.3 March 31.2 21.4 25.7 36.6 April 31.8 22.3 26.5 51.1 May 31.6 23.3 26.9 116.5 June 30.6 23.3 26.4 252.1 July 30.8 23.0 26.2 266.3 August 31.2 22.9 26.4 250.1 September 31.5 22.8 26.5 202.5 October 31.4 22.82 6.41 99.3 November 30.8 22.4 25.9 227.8 December 30.2 21.5 25.2 155.6 Descriptors: The character selection is based on the IBPGR list (IBPGR, 1981 [IBP81A]). Where descriptor states present real measurements, e.g. pod length in cm, the data are given as the mean of all the measurements ± the standard deviation. For some descriptors, such as Leaf, flush colour, the phenotypic expression of the character is coded on a scale from 0 to 9. On this scale '0' represents the lowest or weakest expression of a characteristic and '9' represents the highest or strongest. Leaf and Flower Characteristics p.300-307 Character Data: Fruit, shell, percentage weight: for IMC 6, IMC 14, IMC 27, IMC 51, IMC 54, IMC 57, IMC 63, IMC 67, IMC 77, IMC 23, IMC 71 values for shell percentage weight were calculated after manual cleaning of beans. For all other accessions there beans were cleaned (mucilage removed) by using a high pressure water jet after the beans had been pre-treated with calcium oxide (possibility of some erosion of the testa or shell).