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B 12 [POU]    Theobroma cacao

 Pound, F.J. (1943)
First report on the selection of cacao trees for resistance to Witches' Broom disease. Unpublished report, Ministry of Agriculture, Trinidad.

Derivation: Balao.
Collected by Pound.
Location: Dept. of Agriculture, Ecuador.

Notes:  Progeny from Hda. Balao, Ecuador planted in Trinidad 1939-41.

10/09/96 Previously recorded in the ICGD and elsewhere that B stood from Bolivar but this was found to be incorrect when Pound's 1943 report was re-discovered.

Pound, 1943b [POU43B]. Progeny were obtained from the following trees or combinations of trees: 1+2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9+10,11,12,13, 14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22 and 23.


Synonyms: BALAO 12 [POU]


List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: B-12


Tolerant, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
 Enriquez, G. & Soria, V.J., 1977

Pound, F.J. (1943) First report on the selection of cacao trees for resistance to Witches' Broom disease. Unpublished report, Ministry of Agriculture, Trinidad.
Mars Center for Cocoa Science (2012) Accession list for the Mars Center for Cocoa Science. Jean-Philippe Marelli, personal communication, February 2012.
Enriquez, G. & Soria, V.J. (1977) Mejoramiento genético para resistencia a cinco enfermedades del cacao. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Cocoa Research Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, 1977. Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 45-56.