SNP Profile of ICS 95   View Data


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1._ICS 95___
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1._ICS 95___
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1._ICS 95___


International Cocoa Quarantine Centre, Reading (ICQC,R) United Kingdom

1._ICS_95 RUQ 1144

 Jocelyn De Wever et al., 2019

  Key to SNP Markers

1TcSNP139 2TcSNP144 3TcSNP151 4TcSNP174 5TcSNP193
6TcSNP226 7TcSNP230 8TcSNP364 9TcSNP372 10TcSNP413
11TcSNP448 12TcSNP577 13TcSNP591 14TcSNP602 15TcSNP606
16TcSNP751 17TcSNP786 18TcSNP852 19TcSNP860 20TcSNP872
21TcSNP878 22TcSNP891 23TcSNP994 24TcSNP1041 25TcSNP1060
26TcSNP1111 27TcSNP1126 28TcSNP1280 29TcSNP1331 30TcSNP1439
31TcSNP1458 32Tcm002s00644224 33Tcm002s29938429 34Tcm002s34015437 35Tcm003s05554949
36Tcm003s12502217 37Tcm003s20315420 38Tcm003s27807955 39Tcm006s26507164 40Tcm008s17168944
41Tcm009s28255143 42Tcm009s41415628