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CRU 78    Theobroma cacao

Derivation: Cocoa Research Unit.
Location: ICGT, Trinidad and Tobago.

Notes:  Selections made from Trinidad populations.


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 United Kingdom, International Cocoa Quarantine Centre, Reading (ICQC,R)
Current List   ICQC,R Website
• Accession: RUQ 1629     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: CRU 78
   - Year of Accession: 2008
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: CRU 78

Moderate Resistance, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Score: 3 (1-8 Scale). Fully grown, unripe detached pods (4-5 months old).
 A.D. Iwaro et al., 2006

Pod Index: 22.9 (pods per kg dried beans)

Colour: dark purple
Shape: elliptical
Number: 46.0
Total Wet Weight: 61.1 g
Cotyledon Dry Weight: 0.95 g
Cotyledon Length: 20.5 mm
Cotyledon Width: 11.9 mm

Testa: 5.20 %
Butterfat Content: 54.70 %
Testa: 7.70 %

Shape: elliptical
Basal Constriction: moderate
Apex Form: indented
Rugosity: moderate
Length: 166.0 mm
Breadth: 78.0 mm
Colour: anthocyanin absent
Hardness: moderate
Note: Hardness > 1.6 and <= 2.0 Mpa

Accession: RUQ 1629
Light Saturated Photosynthetic Rate: 5.90 μmol m2 s-1
Stomatal Conductance: 0.13 mol m2 s-1
Transpiration Rate: 1.56 mmol m2 s-1
Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency: 49.14 μmol mol-1
Instantaneous Water Use Efficiency: 3.99 mmol mol-1
Flush Size: 5
Leaf Area: 304.70 cm2
Leaf Dry Weight: 1.77 g
Specific Leaf Area: 173.50 cm2 g-1

Colour: slight anthocyanin

Ligule Colour: moderate anthocyanin
Stamen Colour: slight anthocyanin
Sepal Length: 6.23 mm
Ligule Width: 2.14 mm
Ovule Number: 49
Style Length: 1.88 mm
Pedicel Colour: reddish

CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.
A.D. Iwaro, D.R. Butler & A.B. Eskes (2006) Sources of resistance to Phytophthora pod rot at the International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2006) 53: 99–109
Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee (2022) Morphological data from the International Cocoa Collection (ICG,T) maintained by the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC), Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished data on fruit, bean, flower and flush morphology supplied as an Excel spreadsheet by Frances Bekele. Last update March 2022.
Trinidad - CRU (1998) Fat Analysis Data. Data supplied on computer diskette by F. Bekele, CRU, Trinidad.
Fiona Lahive (2017) Phenotypic data from climate change trials. Personal communication.