Derivation: Aburi CUndeamor.
Collected by Posnette.
Location: Aburi Botanic Garden, Ghana.
Notes: Selections made by Posnette, 1943 [POS43A] in the 'Cundeamor' plot planted with the 1906 introduction to the Aburi Botanic Garden. This material probabky came from Caracas (Glendinning) [LOC79A].
Bartley, 1993a [BAR93A]. These clones came from a shipment of Pentagona variety seeds from the West Indies that passed through Kew in 1900, which contained different shaped fruits. Tudhope (Dept. Agric. Ann. Rep. for 1911) says "..the variety named by me 'Cundeamor' because of its somewhat close resemblance in the colour and shape of the pods to the variety of that name in Ceylon is giving very promising results at Aburi".
The imported fruit would have probably been the result of hybridisation of a 'pentagona' with an unknown parent. The pentagona may have been one of the Nicaraguan criollo trees introduced to Trinidad a few years earlier or may have been supplied from the Dominica Botanic Garden.
The progenies from the seed of this tree were planted in a plot at Aburi between 1907 and 1910 and it would have been from this plot that Posnette made his selections.