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OC 206 [VEN]    Theobroma cacao

 Reyes, H.E., Perez, A.Z., Reyes, L.C. de & Wagner O., M. de J. (1973)
Catalogo de cultivares de cacao ( Theobroma cacao L.). Estacion Experimental de Caucagua, Caucagua, Venezuela. pp. 131.

Derivation: OCumare de la costa.
Collected by A. Hernandez.
Location: Oc. de la Costa, Aragua, Venezuela.

Notes:  Bartley, 1998a [BAR98A] The region of Ocumare de la Costa contained various cocoa plantations, but the name also applies to the port on the coast and the river valley. The name of any one of these three things may have orginally been applied to cocoa germplasm. The region's cocoa plantations were planted with a pure Criollo variety up to 1860 after which they were destroyed by Ceratocystis. The region was then replanted with varieties more resisitant to disease, which came from Trinidad, but which were not pure Criollo. At the end of the nineteenth Century "Ocumare" was brought to Trinidad and seed was then sent from Trinidad labelled "Ocumare". "Ocumare" material in Venezulela has some criollo characteristics but is not pure criollo, but material sent of West Africa as "Ocumare" would have been the pure criollo type and not the same as is currently in Venezuela.

OC [VEN] includes two groups of selections. OC 1 - 77 are those made in the 1940's by Manuel Palmer and those with numbers higher than this are those selections listed in Reyes et al. 1993.

Those OC [VEN] clones included in the ICGD with a suffix, i.e. OC 60/1 - OC 60/36, OC 61/1 - OC 61/30, OC 63/1 - OC 63/24, OC 73/1 - OC 73/42 may be CIRAD selections; seed progenies of material planted in the Cote d'Ivoire.

Synonyms: OCUMARE 206 [VEN]


 Venezuela, Estacion Experimental Ocumare
List received in 1993   Reference
• Local Name: OC 206 [VEN]

Seed Index: 33.7 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 12.5 (pods per kg dried beans)
Productivity: medium

Colour Pink: Present
Colour White: Present
Number: 27.0
Total Wet Weight: 200.0 g

Shape: angoleta
Basal Constriction: absent
Apex Form: slightly acute
Rugosity: slight
Husk Thickness: 14 mm
Length: 185.0 mm
Breadth: 90.0 mm
Weight: 740.0 g
Length Breadth Ratio: 2.05

Colour: green

Reyes, H.E., Perez, A.Z., Reyes, L.C. de & Wagner O., M. de J. (1973) Catalogo de cultivares de cacao ( Theobroma cacao L.). Estacion Experimental de Caucagua, Caucagua, Venezuela. pp. 131.
Reyes, H.E., Moreno, A., Morillo, V., Pagnini, T. & Aristiguieta, C. (1993) Catalogo de cultivares del cacao Criollo Venezolano. Serie Especial No. 12, Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias/ Corporacion Andina de Fomento, Venezuela. pp. 219.