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MATINA 1 /6    Theobroma cacao

 Pittier, H. (1902)
Las variedades del cacaotero cultivadas en la zona Atlantica de Costa Rica. Boletin del Instituto Fisico-Geografico de Costa Rica, 18: pp. 121-124.

Location: Matina/R. Matina, Costa Rica.

Notes:  Type grown in Costa Rica.

Bartley, 1993a [BAR93A]. Pittier, 1902a [PIT02A] states that MATINA refers to the Criollo type that was first cultivated in the area. MATINITA refers to introduced material with Amelonado shaped pods of Amazon type. However, Soria says MATINA refers to the introduced Amazon material with Amelonado pods.


Synonyms: CC 267

N'Goran, 1995a [NGO95A]. MATI 1-6 listed as supplied by CIVIDEF but the nearest clone name held at CIVIDEF is MATINA 1-9.

MATINA  x Unknown   Morera, J. et al., 1991

'Amelonado' Population
Subgroup: 'Amelonado Type III'   Reference

BioProject: PRJNA880462   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Run: SRR21562037   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Experiment: SRX17564542
BioSample: SAMN30841474
SampleName: Mat1-6


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 United Kingdom, International Cocoa Quarantine Centre, Reading (ICQC,R)
Current List   ICQC,R Website
• Accession: RUQ 1715     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: MATINA 1-6
   - Year of Accession: 2013
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 19425
   - Local Name: CC-267
   - Year of Accession: 1993
List received in 2024   Reference
• Accession: PI 668499     GRIN-Global 
   - Local Name: CC 267
   - Year of Accession: 2011

Acc: PI 668499
Number: 37.5

Acc: PI 668499
Length: 123.0 mm
Breadth: 79.0 mm
Weight: 315.1 g
Shape: amelonado
Colour: green

Self Compatibility: self incompatible

Pittier, H. (1902) Las variedades del cacaotero cultivadas en la zona Atlantica de Costa Rica. Boletin del Instituto Fisico-Geografico de Costa Rica, 18: pp. 121-124.
Morera, J., Paredes, A. & Mora, A. (1991) Germoplasma de cacao en el CATIE entre 1947 y 1991, Programa II: Generacion y transferencia de tecnologia. IICA, San Jose, Costa Rica, pp. 49.
Motamayor, J.C., Lachenaud, P., da Silva e Mota, J.W., Loor, R., Kuhn, D.N., Brown, J.S. & Schnell, R.J. (2008) Geographic and Genetic Population Differentiation of the Amazonian Chocolate Tree (Theobroma cacao L). PLoS ONE 3(10): e3311. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003311
Xavier Argout, Gaetan Droc, Olivier Fouet, Mathieu Rouard, Karine Labadie, Bénédicte Rhoné, Gaston Rey Loor & Claire Lanaud (2023) Pangenomic exploration of Theobroma cacao: New Insights into Gene Content Diversity and Selection During Domestication. bioRxiv preprint
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
USDA, ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (2024) List of cocoa accessions held at Mayaguez in September 2024. USDA-ARS GRIN-Global. [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.