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MOQ 3 /22    Theobroma cacao

 Pound, F.J. (1943)
First report on the selection of cacao trees for resistance to Witches' Broom disease. Unpublished report, Ministry of Agriculture, Trinidad.

Derivation: hda. MOQuique.
Collected by Pound.
Location: Hda. Moquique, Ecuador.

Bartley, 1995a [BAR95A]. Habit - Extremely vigorous. MOQ progenies derive from six trees, the first number of the clone number indicates which tree the fruit came from: MOQ 2 - most have green amelonado shape fruits (typical Nacional progeny?). MOQ 3 - red fruits. MOQ 4 - elongate fruits. MOQ 6 - elongate fruits, some red fruits.

Notes:  Pound, 1943b [POU43B] Progeny collected from trees which had shown resistance to Witches' Broom disease.

Synonyms: MOQ 322


 Trinidad and Tobago, International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T)
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: MOQ 3/22

 Sreenivasan, T.N., 1987

Colour: moderate anthocyanin

Pound, F.J. (1943) First report on the selection of cacao trees for resistance to Witches' Broom disease. Unpublished report, Ministry of Agriculture, Trinidad.
CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.
Sreenivasan, T.N. (1987) ICGT Germplasm at Marper Farm showing freedom from cushion Brooms and vegetative brooms. Unpublished report, CRU, Trinidad and Tobago.
Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee (2022) Morphological data from the International Cocoa Collection (ICG,T) maintained by the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC), Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished data on fruit, bean, flower and flush morphology supplied as an Excel spreadsheet by Frances Bekele. Last update March 2022.