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AGU 3338 [CHA]    Theobroma cacao

 Chalmers, W.S. (1972)
INIAP-UWI expedition to collect Theobroma cacao in the Oriente region of Ecuador-June 25th-August 10th 1972. Unpublished Report. Cocoa Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. pp. 16.

Derivation: AGUarico.
Collected by INIAP/UWI Chalmers.
Location: R. Aguarico, Ecuador.

Notes:  Chalmers, 1972b [CHA72B] Material collected on the R. Aguarico in the Ecuadorian Oriente.

Synonyms: EQX 3338 [CHA], AGUARICO 3338 [CHA], EQX 3338 [A], EQX 3338 [AGU], EQ 3338, EQX 3338 [B], EQX 3338 [J], EQX 3338 [T], EQX 3338 [U], EQX 3338 [V], EQX 3338 [W], EQX 3338 [Z], EQX A 3338, EQX B 3338, EQX C 3338, EQX J 3338, EQX T 3338, EQX U 3338, EQX V 3338, EQX W 3338

Location: R. Aguarico, Oriente, Ecuador (cultivated land)
Date: April 1970
Coordinates: 77.10 W, 0.10 S
Material collected: Budwood and seeds (pod)
Altitude: 340 m
Notes: Santa Cecilia, farm of Sra Ajon
Expedition Code: 70CH
   Chalmers, W.S., 1970


List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: EQX3338
   - Year of Accession: 1982
 Togo, Institut de Recherches du Cafe et du Cacao (IRCC)
List received in 1991   Reference
• Local Name: EQX 3338 [CHA]

Absent (Expedition data).
 Chalmers, W.S., 1970

Seed Index: 125.0 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 41.0 (pods per kg dried beans)

Number: 30.6
Dry Weight: 0.80 g
Length: 25.6 mm
Width: 13.7 mm
Thickness: 9.6 mm
Wet Weight: 6.42 g
Cotyledon Wet Weight: 2.09 g
Note: expedition data

Chalmers, W.S. (1972) INIAP-UWI expedition to collect Theobroma cacao in the Oriente region of Ecuador-June 25th-August 10th 1972. Unpublished Report. Cocoa Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. pp. 16.
Chalmers, W.S. (1970) Report on the collection of Theobroma cacao in the Oriente region of Ecuador. March-May 1970. Unpublished Report. Cocoa Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. pp. 20.
CRIG (2012) Cocoa accessions held in the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG). Francis Kwame Padi, personal communication, February 2012.
Togo - IRCC Togo (1991) Collection des clones de cacaoyers presents au Togo. Unpublished report, IRCC Togo, p.1.
Chalmers, W.S. (1970) Data accumulated from Chalmers' Collection reports from expeditions to Ecuador between 1968-1973. Series of 7 unpublished Reports. Cocoa Research Unit, University of the West Indies. See other reference entries for details.
Malaysia - Applied Agriculture (1992) Data from Applied Agriculture Research Unit (AARU). In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: pp. 4.