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AHK 3    Theobroma cacao

 Lockwood, G. & Gyamfi, M.M.O. (1979)
The CRIG cocoa germplasm collection with notes on codes used in the breeding programme at Tafo and elsewhere. Technical Bulletin, No. 10, Cocoa Research Institute, Tafo, Ghana. pp. 62.

Derivation: Amazon Hybrid Kameroon.
Collected by IFCC.
Location: Cameroon.

Notes:  Code used to refer to the cross UPA x SNK.

A code for hybrids used by IFCC in Cameroon. A = clone of Amazon origin; H = hybrid; K = clone of local origin (SNK). The sequence of the parents in conventional. The collection of material coded this way was catalogued by Mossu in 1974 Lockwood & Gyamfi, 1979 [LOC79A].


UPA 143  x SNK 64    Nya Ngatchou, J., 1978

Lockwood, G. & Gyamfi, M.M.O. (1979) The CRIG cocoa germplasm collection with notes on codes used in the breeding programme at Tafo and elsewhere. Technical Bulletin, No. 10, Cocoa Research Institute, Tafo, Ghana. pp. 62.
Nya Ngatchou, J. (1978) Etat d'avancement des travaux de génétique et d'amelioration du cacaoyer au Cameroun. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Cocoa Conference, Douala, Cameroun, 1979. Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 507-511.