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VB 902    Theobroma cacao

Derivation: Vassoura de Bruxa.
Location: Brazil.


List received in 2015   Reference
• Accession: VB 902 Quadra 5
   - Local Name: VB 902

Susceptible (Branch).
Note: Based on mycelium growth and the production of perithecia.. Classed as Very Susceptible
 Stela Dalva Vieira Midlej Silva, 2003
Intermediate, sp. P. citrophthora
Note: Average score = 2.1.
 Lopez, U.V. et al., 2006

Almeida, Caio Márcio Vasconcellos Cordeiro de, Francisco Antônio Neto, Acácio de Paula, Silva, José Raymundo Pires Medeiros & Antonio de Almeida Lima (2015) RECURSOS GENÉTICOS DE CACAUEIRO EM RONDÔNIA: RETROSPECTIVA HISTÓRICA, ORIGEM E INVENTÁRIO [Genetic Resources of Cacao in Rondônia: Historical Overview, Origin and Inventory]. Agrotrópica (Itabuna) 27 (2): 93–124
Stela Dalva Vieira Midlej Silva (2003) Ensaios Para Avaliação do Cacaueiro à Murcha-de-Ceratocystis na Bahia, Brasil. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Cocoa Research Conference, Accra, Ghana (October 2003). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.
Lopez, U.V., Paim, M., Luz, E.D.N., Silva, S.D.V.M., Gramacho, K.P. and Pires, J.L. (2006) Resistance of Cacao Farmer Selections to Phytophthora citrophthora in Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Cocoa Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica (2006). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.