Search Results

CRY 1112    Theobroma cacao

 Hayley Rottiers, Helena Everaert, Pascal Boeckx, Gaston Limba, Geert Baert, Jocelyn De Wever, Kevin Maebe, Guy Smagghe, Koen Dewettinck & Kathy Messens (2018)
Unraveling the genetic background of the Yangambi Research Center cacao germplasm collection, DR Congo. Tree Genetics & Genomes (2018) 14:68

Derivation: Centre de Recherche de Yangambi.
Location: Centre de Recherche de Yangamb.

Notes:  Originating from a trial cacao plantation at Centre de Recherche de Yangambi (CRY), INERA. The paternal collection is labeled from CRY1 to CRY15 and the hybrids are labeled with a three- or four-digit code, in which the first (two) digit(s) refers to the parents (1–15), and the last two digits specify the location of the sampled tree (row and number).


 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Centre de Recherche de Yangambi
List received in 2018   Reference
• Local Name: CRY1112

Hayley Rottiers, Helena Everaert, Pascal Boeckx, Gaston Limba, Geert Baert, Jocelyn De Wever, Kevin Maebe, Guy Smagghe, Koen Dewettinck & Kathy Messens (2018) Unraveling the genetic background of the Yangambi Research Center cacao germplasm collection, DR Congo. Tree Genetics & Genomes (2018) 14:68