Search Results

SHRS-15  Theobroma cacao

Synonyms: INIAP G 81


TAP 6 [CHA]  x CUR 3 [CHA]    Daymond, Andrew, 2021


List received in 2024   Reference
• Accession: TARS 18359      GRIN-Global 
   - Local Name: SHRS-15
   - Year of Accession: 2012

Daymond, Andrew (2021) Notes on SHRS clones in ICQC,R. Pers. Com.
USDA, ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (2024) List of cocoa accessions held at Mayaguez in September 2024. USDA-ARS GRIN-Global. [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.