Search Results

G VI 33    Theobroma cacao

Derivation: Germplasm VI.
Location: Kerala University, India, India.

Notes:  02 April 2002. Name new to the database from the ICG,T database/accession list [CRU01A].

Location: Peru.

Notes:  POUND clones renamed in India.

ICGD 1994a [ICG94A]. G VI accessions which are POUND clones have been temporarily renamed as G VI [POU] respectively in the ICGD until synonymy problems can ben resolved.

Location: India.

Notes:  EET clones renamed in India.

ICGD 1994a [ICG94A]. G VI accessions which are EET clones have been temporarily renamed as G VI [ECU] in the ICGD until synonymy problems can ben resolved.

Amelonado x NA 33    India - Kerala, 1996


 India, Kerala Agricultural University
List received in 1991   Reference
• Local Name: G VI 33

India - Kerala (1996) Crop Improvement. Cadbury - KAU Co-operative Cocoa Research Project 9th Annual Report 1996-96. pp. 3-61
India - Kerala (1991) Report of germplasm collection at Kerala Agricultural University. R.V. Nair, Unpublished Report, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India, pp. 3.