Pound, F.J. 1943
First report on the selection of cacao trees for resistance to Witches' Broom disease. Unpublished report, Ministry of Agriculture, Trinidad.
Trinidad - Marper Farm, University of the West Indies Datafile: DIS_WBDS - Disease reaction to Witches' Broom Experimental Conditions: Budded seedling progeny were established at Marper Farm, Trinidad in 1939-41 after quarantine in Barbados. By the time of this report (1943) the 1939 planted trees stand 15 ft. high, span 8ft. and have borne 20-30 pods. The oldest trees have been checked for incidence of Witches' Broom infection for three consecutive years and in 1943 were classified for resistance on the field observation basis. A tree was classified as resistant if it had less total brooms per annum than it had years of age. For example, a well-developed three year old tree with a total of less than 6 brooms or less than 3 brooms during its third year would be selected. Disease - Crinipellis perniciosa (Marasmius perniciosa), (Local Names: Witches' Broom Disease, Escoba de bruja, Balai de sorciere, Vassoura de bruxa).