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POUND 20    Theobroma cacao

 Pound, F.J. (1943)
Cacao and witches' broom disease. Report on a recent visit to the Amazon territory of Peru, September 1942-February 1943. Archives of Cocoa Research 1: pp. 73-91.

Derivation: POUND (collector).
Collected by Pound.
Location: Peru.

Notes:  Chalmers, 1968 [CHA68A] Trees were marked and initial collections made in 1968. Chalmers revisited the area in 1970 (Chalmers, 1970a [CHA70A]), recollecting from some trees and making new collections from newly marked trees. Further collections were made in 1972 (Chalmers, 1972b [CHA72B]).

Synonyms: PERU 20 [POU], P 20 [POU]

Location: R. Nanay, Loreto, Peru (pasture)
Date: 1942
Coordinates: 73.10 W, 3.45 S
Material collected: Budwood
Expedition Code: 42PO
   Pound, F.J., 1943


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List received in 2012   Reference
• Accession: 213
   - Local Name: P 20
   - Year of Accession: 1981
 Nigeria, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN)
List received in 1994   Reference
• Local Name: P 20 [POU]
   - Year of Accession: 1968
List received in 1971   Reference
• Local Name: POUND 20 [POU]

Seed Index: 93.4 (dried beans per 100g)
Productivity: medium

Colour Dark Purple: Present
Colour Light Purple: Absent
Colour Grey: Absent
Colour White: Absent
Colour Mottled: Absent
Number: 35.4
Maximum Number: 45
Cotyledon Wet Weight: 1.65 g
Cotyledon Dry Weight: 1.07 g
Cotyledon Length: 23.7 mm
Cotyledon Width: 12.5 mm
Cotyledon Thickness: 8.5 mm

Basal Constriction: moderate
Apex Form: obtuse
Rugosity: moderate
Husk Thickness: 9.45 mm (11.4 - 7.5)
Length: 157.0 mm
Breadth: 85.0 mm
Colour: absent anthocyanin
Weight: 508.0 g
Pods Per Tree: 5
Hardness: hard
Length Breadth Ratio: 1.84
Note: ratio of distances between ridges within a pair and between ridges of two different pairs = 0.73

Colour: dark brown

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Self Compatibility: self incompatible
Self Compatibility: self incompatible
Ligule Colour: intense anthocyanin (apical)
Stamen Colour: anthocyanin absent
Sepal Colour: pale green
Sepal Width: 2.15 mm
Sepal Length: 7.80 mm
Ligule Length: 7.82 mm
Ligule Width: 2.51 mm
Ovary Colour: anthocyanin absent (apical)
Ovary Width: 1.00 mm
Ovary Length: 1.51 mm
Style Length: 2.37 mm
Staminode Length: 7.56 mm
Pedicel Colour: pastel red
Note: Translation of Methuen colour codes.

Pound, F.J. (1943) Cacao and witches' broom disease. Report on a recent visit to the Amazon territory of Peru, September 1942-February 1943. Archives of Cocoa Research 1: pp. 73-91.
CEPEC (2012) Accession list for the CEPEC (Bahia, Brazil) collection. Dr. José Luis Pires, personal communication, February 2012.
Nigeria - CRIN (1994) CRIN Cocoa germplasm. S.A. Olatoye, CRIN, Nigeria. Personal Communication.
Leon, J. & Sgaravatti, E. (1971) Provisional list of genetic materials for plant introduction and exchange. AGPE Misc 71/2. FAO, Rome. pp. 26.
Costa Rica - CATIE (1981) Genetic Resources of Cacao. A Catalogue of the CATIE Collection. J.M.M. Engels, Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Centre, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Technical Bulletin No. 7: pp. 191.
Bartley, B.G.D. (1970) A preliminary catalogue of the cacao germplasm held at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad. University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad.
Brazil - CEPEC (1987) List of clones in the CEPEC, Bahia, Brazil collection. Computer printout from CEPEC. Supplied by B.G.D. Bartley, CEPEC, Brazil.