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RB 48 [BRA]    Theobroma cacao

 Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G. (1965)
Expedicao botanica a Amazonica brasileira. Cacau Atualidades (Brasil) 2: pp. 47-51.

Derivation: Rio Branco.
Collected by Vello.
Location: Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.

Bartley, 1995a [BAR95A]. Productivity - high. Flowers - generally have a "thickish" appearance with intensely and brilliantly coloured stamens such that the whole flower appears red. Fruits- small, Amelonado shaped, generally with thick husks. Seeds - small with dark cotyledons.

Notes:  Vello & Medeiros, 1965 [VEL65A] 1965 Brazilian-International expedition.

Bartley, 1998a [BAR98A] Rio Branco is the name of several rivers and the name of a town in Acre.

Bartley 1997a, [BAR97A] The original Belem planting of RB clones comprised a mixture of types. This may account for the mixtures of genotypes in the CEPEC and CATIE collections with regard to RB 48 and RB 49. Any material distributed from CATIE should be identified as such to avoid confusion with clones from the primary source, which should be considered to be the correctly identified genotypes.


Location: R. Branco, Acre, Brazil (cocoa plantation)
Date: 11 July 1965
Coordinates: 67.49 W, 9.59 S
Material collected: Budwood
Notes: Colonia Galino Bezouro
Expedition Code: 65BR
   Soria, V.J., 1965
   Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G., 1966
   Soria, V.J., 1970
   Almeida, C.M.V.C. de et al., 1995
   Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G., 1965


 Motamayor, J.C. et al., 2008
'Purus' Population
Subgroup: 'Acre R'   Reference


 Xavier Argout et al., 2023
BioProject: PRJNA880462   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Run: SRR21562153   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Experiment: SRX17564426
BioSample: SAMN30841512
SampleName: RB_48


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List received in 2012   Reference
• Accession: 142
   - Local Name: RB 48
List received in 1987   Reference
• Accession: 115
   - Local Name: RB 48 [BRA]
   - Year of Accession: 1985
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 21202
   - Local Name: RB-48
   - Year of Accession: 1996
List received in 1994   Reference
• Local Name: RB 48 [BRA]
   - Year of Accession: 1992
List received in 1998   Reference
• Local Name: RB 48 [BRA]
   - Year of Accession: 1993


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 Witches Broom
Intermediate (Seedling).
 Luz, E.D.M.N. & Silva, S.D.V.M., 1997
 Fonseca, S.E.A & Albuquerque, P.S.B. de, 1996
Intermediate (Field Reaction).
 Luz, E.D.M.N. & Silva, S.D.V.M., 1997
Present (Expedition data).
 Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G., 1966


 Castro, G.C.T. de et al., 1989
Number: 39.0


 Brazil - CEPEC, 1987
Rugosity: moderate


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 Castro, G.C.T. de et al., 1989
Ligule Colour: anthocyanin present
Stamen Colour: slight anthocyanin
Sepal Colour: anthocyanin absent
Sepal Width: 3.22 mm
Sepal Length: 8.73 mm
Sepal Orientation: horizontal
Ligule Length: 6.16 mm
Ligule Width: 3.37 mm
Ovary Colour: anthocyanin absent
Ovary Width: 1.34 mm
Ovary Length: 1.84 mm
Ovule Number: 54
Style Length: 1.69 mm
Staminode Colour: intense anthocyanin
Staminode Length: 7.05 mm
Pedicel Colour: intense anthocyanin
 Brazil - CEPEC, 1987
Self Compatibility: self incompatible
 Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G., 1966
Stamen Colour: anthocyanin present
Ligule Shape: rhomboid
Note: expedition data

Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G. (1965) Expedicao botanica a Amazonica brasileira. Cacau Atualidades (Brasil) 2: pp. 47-51.
Soria, V.J. (1965) Notes on the cocoas collected by the Brazilian-International expedition to some areas of the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Cacao (Costa Rica) 10: pp. 10-13.
Vello, F. & Medeiros, A.G. (1966) Expedicao botanica a Amazonia Brasileira. Communicado ao Pessoal Technico No. 20. Co-ordenacao Technica. CEPLAC/CEPEC, Brazil, pp. 13.
Soria, V.J. (1970) The latest cocoa expeditions to the Amazon Basin. Cacao (Costa Rica) 15: pp. 5-15.
Almeida, C.M.V.C. de, Machado, P.F.R., de, Barriga, J.P. & Silva, F.C.O. da. (1995) Coleta da cacau (Theobroma cacao) da amazonia brasileira: uma abordagem historica e analitica. CEPLAC, SRAO, Porto Velho, RO., Brasil. pp. 92.
Motamayor, J.C., Lachenaud, P., da Silva e Mota, J.W., Loor, R., Kuhn, D.N., Brown, J.S. & Schnell, R.J. (2008) Geographic and Genetic Population Differentiation of the Amazonian Chocolate Tree (Theobroma cacao L). PLoS ONE 3(10): e3311. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003311
Xavier Argout, Gaetan Droc, Olivier Fouet, Mathieu Rouard, Karine Labadie, Bénédicte Rhoné, Gaston Rey Loor & Claire Lanaud (2023) Pangenomic exploration of Theobroma cacao: New Insights into Gene Content Diversity and Selection During Domestication. bioRxiv preprint
CEPEC (2012) Accession list for the CEPEC (Bahia, Brazil) collection. Dr. José Luis Pires, personal communication, February 2012.
Almeida, C.M.V.C. de, Barriga, J.P., Machado, P.F.R. & Bartley, B.G.D. (1987) Evolucao do programa de conservacao dos recursos geneticos de cacau na Amazonia Brasileira. CEPLAC/DEPEA, Boletim Tecnico, Belem, Brasil 5: pp.108.
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
Malaysia - ARC Tuaran (1994) Accessions in the Malaysian Cocoa Board collection obtained from USDA Mayaguez since 1991. M.T. Lee, MCB, Malaysia. Personal Communication.
Malaysia - ARC Tuaran (1998) Accessions held in the Malaysian Cocoa Board collection, May 1998. K. Lamin, MCB, Malaysia, Personal Communication.
Luz, E.D.M.N. & Silva, S.D.V.M. (1997) Evaluating resistance/tolerance to Witches' Broom disease in Bahia, Brazil. Final Report to ACRI. CEPLAC/CEPEC, February, 1997. pp. 56. Data supplied to ICGD by Luz & Silva.
Fonseca, S.E.A & Albuquerque, P.S.B. de (1996) Avaliacao de clones de cacau na Amazonia Brasileira em relaçao a incidencia de vassoura-de bruxa. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Cocoa Research Conference, Salvador, Brazil, 1996. Cocoa Producers' Alliance.
Castro, G.C.T. de, Pereira, T.N.S., Carletto, G.A. & Bartley, B.G.D. (1989) Caracterizacao dos recursos geneticos do cacaueiro. III. Flor das selecoes CEPEC,EEG, BE, MA, RB, CA e CAS. Agrotrópica 1: pp. 27-33.
Brazil - CEPEC (1987) List of clones in the CEPEC, Bahia, Brazil collection. Computer printout from CEPEC. Supplied by B.G.D. Bartley, CEPEC, Brazil.