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SAN MIGUEL 3162 /2 [CHA]    Theobroma cacao

 Chalmers, W.S. (1970)
Report on the collection of Theobroma cacao in the Oriente region of Ecuador. March-May 1970. Unpublished Report. Cocoa Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. pp. 20.

Derivation: river SAN MIGUEL.
Collected by Chalmers.
Location: R. San Miguel, Ecuador.

Notes:  Chalmers, 1968 [CHA68A] Trees were marked and initial collections made in 1968. Chalmers revisited the area in 1970 (Chalmers, 1970a [CHA70A]), recollecting from some trees and making new collections from newly marked trees. Further collections were made in 1972 (Chalmers, 1972b [CHA72B]).

Synonyms: EQX 3162 /2 [CHA], EQX 3162 /2 [A], EQX 3162 /2 [B], EQ 3162 /2, EQX 3162 /2 [J], EQX 3162 /2 [MIG], EQX 3162 /2 [T], EQX 3162 /2 [U], EQX 3162 /2 [V], EQX 3162 /2 [W], EQX 3162 /2 [Z], EQX A 3162 /2, EQX B 3162 /2, EQX C 3162 /2, EQX J 3162 /2, EQX T 3162 /2, EQX U 3162 /2, EQX V 3162 /2, EQX W 3162 /2, SAN MIGUEL 3162 /2 [MIG], SM 3162 /2 [CHA], SM 3162 /2 [EET]


 Trinidad and Tobago, International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T)
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: SAN MIGUEL 3162/2 [CHA]

Colour: slight anthocyanin

Chalmers, W.S. (1970) Report on the collection of Theobroma cacao in the Oriente region of Ecuador. March-May 1970. Unpublished Report. Cocoa Research Unit, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. pp. 20.
CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.
Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee (2022) Morphological data from the International Cocoa Collection (ICG,T) maintained by the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC), Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished data on fruit, bean, flower and flush morphology supplied as an Excel spreadsheet by Frances Bekele. Last update March 2022.