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UF 21    Theobroma cacao

 Bartley, B.G.D. (1995)
Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.

Derivation: United Fruit selections.
Collected by UF company.
Location: Limon, Almirante, Costa Rica.

Notes:  Selections from the Atlantic coast made in the 1930's.

Bartley, 1998a [BAR98A] The UF series were selected from MATINA material and from material from Ecuador (pers. comm. Soria).

Synonyms: UFC 21, UFCO 21

Bartley, 1998a [BAR98A] Likely to be an error.


List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: UF-21

Bartley, B.G.D. (1995) Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.
Mars Center for Cocoa Science (2012) Accession list for the Mars Center for Cocoa Science. Jean-Philippe Marelli, personal communication, February 2012.