SIAL 93   View Data

Leaves and pods.

Ghana, Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG)

Leaves and pods.

 Ghana - CRIG, 2002

Drawing of pod outlines.

Costa Rica, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)

 Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981

Leaves and pods.

Brazil, Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira/Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau (CEPLAC/CEPEC)

 Brazil - CEPEC, 2003

Drawing of pod outlines.

United Kingdom, International Cocoa Quarantine Centre, Reading (ICQC,R)

 UK - Reading Quarantine, 2010

Pod on tree

India, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI)

 Dr S. Elain Apshara, 2017