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DOPOL 7 /2-4    Theobroma cacao

 Bartley, B.G.D. (1993)
Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.

Derivation: DOuble POLlination.
Collected by Bartley.
Location: ICTA, Trinidad and Tobago.

Notes:  Selfed progeny obtained from self-incompatible trees by double pollination.

Bartley, 1993a [BAR93A]. The numbering system of identifying progenies involved three numbers: A-the identification of the clone i.e. selfed line, B- the fruit number, C-the individual plant within the fruit.


Synonyms: DOPOL 724


 Trinidad and Tobago, International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T)
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: DOPOL 7/2-4

Bartley, B.G.D. (1993) Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.
CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.