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AC T 2 /13 [TTO]    Theobroma cacao

 Bartley, B.G.D. (1993)
Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.

Derivation: ACcession Trinidad.
Collected by Bartley.
Location: ICTA, Trinidad and Tobago.

Notes:  Selections in the Trinidad population after 1955.

Bartley, 1993a [BAR93A] These clone names are made up of two parts. The first number refers to one of eight locations: 1 - Las Hermanas, 2 - Tortuga, 3 - La Vega, 4 - San Juan, 5 - Stephen (owned by the same family as the San Juan Estate), 6 - Spring Hill, 7 - San Pedro Estate, 8 - Dos Hermanos. The second number after the "/" refers to the individual tree and not to a progeny of a tree as might be expected.

See also ACT [CRI].


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List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 21137
   - Local Name: ACT-213
   - Year of Accession: 1996
List received in 1990   Reference
• Local Name: AC T 2 /13 [TTO]
 Trinidad and Tobago, International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T)
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: ACT 2/13 [TTO]

12.50 % Infection (Field Reaction).
Note: Severery of infection was Low.. Sime Darby Plantations, Merlimau Estate.
 Lam, K.S., 1992

Seed Index: 54.9 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 22.2 (pods per kg dried beans)

Size: medium - large
Number: 38.0
Dry Weight: 1.82 g

Size: large

Self Compatibility: self compatible

Bartley, B.G.D. (1993) Notes on the meaning and origins of clone names. B.G.D Bartley. Personal Communications.
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
Malaysia - ARC Tuaran (1990) List of clones held in the Dept. of Agriculture's collection, at Sabah, Tuaran, Malaysia. E.B. Tay, Malaysian Cocoa Board, Malaysia. Personal Communication.
CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.
Lam, K.S. (1992) Performance of imported clones in Sime Darby Plantations. In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October, 1992. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Bartley, B.G.D. (1970) A preliminary catalogue of the cacao germplasm held at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad. University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad.