Notes: Some EET clones are imported genotypes which have been given the duplicate identifier [IMP], [POU] for kown Pound collections and [MIG] for known SAN MIGUEL clones.
Nomina de clones y numero de plantas existentes en la coleccion internacional de germoplasma de cacao, EET, Pichilingue. Unpublished report, E.E.T. Pichilingue, Ecuador. pp. 18.
Ecuador - EET Pichilingue Datafile: PROGENY_ EET numbers, original names, origins and number of plants for the clones held at INIAP. (Appendix in report).
Freddy Amores, Geover Peña, Darío Calderón, Juan Agama, Carmen Suarez, Juan Motamayor,
Raymond Schnell, James Quiroz, Gastón Loor & Omar Tarqui 2009
Research to Identify and Develop High Yielding Fine and Flavour Cocoa Clones in Ecuador. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Cocoa Research Conference, Bali, Indonesia (November 2009). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.
Freddy Amores, Geover Peña, Darío Calderón, Juan Agama, Carmen Suarez, Juan Motamayor,
Raymond Schnell, James Quiroz, Gastón Loor & Omar Tarqui 2009
Research to Identify and Develop High Yielding Fine and Flavour Cocoa Clones in Ecuador. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Cocoa Research Conference, Bali, Indonesia (November 2009). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.
Ecuador - Pichilingue (1987) Nomina de clones y numero de plantas existentes en la coleccion internacional de germoplasma de cacao, EET, Pichilingue. Unpublished report, E.E.T. Pichilingue, Ecuador. pp. 18.
EET - Pichilingue (2012) Accessions planted in EET - Pichilingue, Ecuador. Freddy Amores and Ignacio Sotomayor C, personal communication, February 2012.
Freddy Amores, Geover Peña, Darío Calderón, Juan Agama, Carmen Suarez, Juan Motamayor,
Raymond Schnell, James Quiroz, Gastón Loor & Omar Tarqui (2009) Research to Identify and Develop High Yielding Fine and Flavour Cocoa Clones in Ecuador. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Cocoa Research Conference, Bali, Indonesia (November 2009). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.