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EET 376 [ECU]    Theobroma cacao

Derivation: Estacion Experimental Tropical.
Location: E.E.T. Pichilingue, Ecuador.

Notes:  Some EET clones are imported genotypes which have been given the duplicate identifier [IMP], [POU] for kown Pound collections and [MIG] for known SAN MIGUEL clones.

Synonyms: ETS 376 [ECU]


Location: Los Rios, Ecuador
Coordinates: 79.50 W, 1.00 S
   Marita, J. M. et al., 2001


EET 156 [ECU]  x SCA 6    Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981


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List received in 2012   Reference
• Accession: 252
   - Local Name: EET 376
   - Year of Accession: 1978
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 10285
   - Local Name: EET-376
   - Year of Accession: 1965
List received in 1990   Reference
• Local Name: EET 376 [ECU]
List received in 1995   Reference
• Local Name: EET 376 [ECU]
   - Year of Accession: 1987


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 Frosty Pod Rot
Susceptible, 100.00 % Infection
Note: External Severety = 4.1 and Internal Severety = 4.9
 Phillips, W., 1996
Susceptible, 100.00 % Infection
Note: External Severety = 4.1 and Internal Severety = 4.9
 Phillips, W., 1997
Moderately Susceptible, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
 Phillips, W., 1997
Resistant, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Unripe, Attached and not wounded
 Morera, J., 1993
Resistant, 26.00 % Infection, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Unripe and not wounded
 Lopez-Baez, O. et al., 1996
Tolerant, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
 Enriquez, G. & Soria, V.J., 1977
Tolerant, 50.00 % Infection, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Unripe, Attached and not wounded (Note: Resistant to epidermal and epicarp penetration.)
 Lawrence, J.S., 1978
 Witches Broom
 Pires, J.L. et al., 1996


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 Malaysia - Applied Agriculture, 1992
Seed Index: 98.0 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 23.1 (pods per kg dried beans)
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Seed Index: 88.4 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 24.2 (pods per kg dried beans)
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Seed Index: 108.6 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 27.4 (pods per kg dried beans)
 Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981
Seed Index: 89.2 (dried beans per 100g)
Productivity: low - medium


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 Malaysia - Applied Agriculture, 1992
Number: 42.4
Dry Weight: 1.02 g
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Number: 36.6
Total Dry Weight: 41.4 g
Dry Weight: 1.13 g
Note: 53 plants sampled
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Number: 39.2
Total Dry Weight: 36.5 g
Dry Weight: 0.92 g
Note: 11 plants sampled
 Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981
Colour Dark Purple: Present
Colour Light Purple: Absent
Colour Grey: Absent
Colour White: Absent
Colour Mottled: Absent
Number: 41.8
Maximum Number: 57
Cotyledon Wet Weight: 1.71 g
Cotyledon Dry Weight: 1.12 g
Cotyledon Length: 22.3 mm
Cotyledon Width: 11.7 mm
Cotyledon Thickness: 8.7 mm
 Palaniappan, S. & Shuhaimi Shamsuddin, 1992
Number: 39.7
Dry Weight: 0.94 g


 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Butterfat Content: 56.70 %
Maximum Butterfat Content: 57.55 %
Minimum Butterfat Content: 55.41 %
Note: 9 plants sampled
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Butterfat Content: 54.30 %
Note: 7 plants sampled


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 Brazil - CEPEC, 1987
Rugosity: intense
 Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981
Basal Constriction: moderate
Apex Form: slightly acute
Rugosity: intense
Husk Thickness: 10.55 mm (14.6 - 6.5)
Length: 220.0 mm
Breadth: 97.0 mm
Colour: absent anthocyanin
Weight: 734.0 g
Pods Per Tree: 4
Hardness: moderate
Length Breadth Ratio: 2.26
Note: ratio of distances between ridges within a pair and between ridges of two different pairs = 0.69
 Morera, J. et al., 1991
Shape: amelonado
Colour: intense green
 Palaniappan, S. & Shuhaimi Shamsuddin, 1992
Length: 164.5 mm
Breadth: 80.9 mm
Weight: 444.1 g
Length Breadth Ratio: 2.00


 Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981
Colour: brownish orange


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 Brazil - CEPEC, 1987
Self Compatibility: self incompatible
 Costa Rica - CATIE, 1981
Ligule Colour: slight anthocyanin (apical)
Stamen Colour: slight anthocyanin
Sepal Colour: greyish green
Sepal Width: 2.72 mm
Sepal Length: 7.93 mm
Ligule Length: 6.93 mm
Ligule Width: 2.71 mm
Ovary Colour: anthocyanin absent (apical)
Ovary Width: 1.04 mm
Ovary Length: 1.52 mm
Style Length: 2.75 mm
Staminode Length: 7.11 mm
Pedicel Colour: pastel red
Note: Translation of Methuen colour codes.
 Morera, J. et al., 1991
Self Compatibility: self incompatible

Marita, J. M., Nienhuis, J., Pires, J. L. & Aitken, W. M. (2001) Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Theobroma cacao with Emphasis on Witches’ Broom Disease Resistance. Crop Sci. 41:1305–1316.
Costa Rica - CATIE (1981) Genetic Resources of Cacao. A Catalogue of the CATIE Collection. J.M.M. Engels, Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Centre, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Technical Bulletin No. 7: pp. 191.
CEPEC (2012) Accession list for the CEPEC (Bahia, Brazil) collection. Dr. José Luis Pires, personal communication, February 2012.
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
Malaysia - ARC Tuaran (1990) List of clones held in the Dept. of Agriculture's collection, at Sabah, Tuaran, Malaysia. E.B. Tay, Malaysian Cocoa Board, Malaysia. Personal Communication.
Lopez-Baez, O., Cueto-Moreno, J. & Fraire-Vazquez, G. (1995) Progressos en el mejoramiento genetico del cacao Theobroma cacao L. en Mexico. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cocoa Breeding Strategies, Kuala Lumpur, 1994. INGENIC, Reading, U.K. pp. 18-25.
Phillips, W. (1996) Cocoa cultivar reaction when innoculated with Moniliophthora roreri. Unpublished data supplied by W. Phillips, CATIE, Costa Rica. Personal communication
Phillips, W. (1997) Results of the artificial inoculation of Moniliophthora rorei using the Aspersion method. Unpublished data supplied by W. Phillips, CATIE, Costa Rica. Personal communication
Phillips, W. (1997) Results of the artificial inoculation of Phytophthora palmivora using the Paper Disc method. Unpublished data supplied by W. Phillips, CATIE, Costa Rica. Personal communication
Morera, J. (1993) Reaction of clones to Phytophthora palmivora. J. Morera, CATIE, Costa Rica. Personal Communication.
Lopez-Baez, O., Fraire, V.G. & Cueto, M.J. (1996) Mejoramiento genetico para la resistencia a Phytophthora en Mexico. Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Contribution of Disease Resistance to Cocoa Variety Improvement, INGENIC, Salvador, 24th-26th September, 1996. pp.51-55.
Enriquez, G. & Soria, V.J. (1977) Mejoramiento genético para resistencia a cinco enfermedades del cacao. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Cocoa Research Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, 1977. Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 45-56.
Lawrence, J.S. (1978) Screening of cacao cultivars for resistance to Phytophthora palmivora in the collection at CATIE, Costa Rica. Revista Theobroma 8: pp. 125-131.
Pires, J.L., Monteiro, W.R., Pinto, L.R.M. & Luz, E.D.M.N. (1996) Resistance to Witches Broom - Evaluation of genotypes from different origins. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Cocoa Research Conference, Salvador, Brasil 1996 Cocoa Producers' Alliance (in press).
Malaysia - Applied Agriculture (1992) Data from Applied Agriculture Research Unit (AARU). In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: pp. 4.
Malaysia - BAL Plantations (1991) Results from cocoa butter content determinations using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis. G. Lockwood, CDC, U.K. Personal Communication.
Palaniappan, S. & Shuhaimi Shamsuddin (1992) Early evaluation of some cocoa germplasm at Pusut Perkhidmatan Pertanian Tun Razak. In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October, 1992. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Brazil - CEPEC (1987) List of clones in the CEPEC, Bahia, Brazil collection. Computer printout from CEPEC. Supplied by B.G.D. Bartley, CEPEC, Brazil.
Morera, J., Paredes, A. & Mora, A. (1991) Germoplasma de cacao en el CATIE entre 1947 y 1991, Programa II: Generacion y transferencia de tecnologia. IICA, San Jose, Costa Rica, pp. 49.