Enriquez, G.A. & Soria, V.J. 1967
Cacao Cultivars Register. IICA Teaching and Research Centre, Costa Rica
Costa Rica - IICA Datafile: IICA__DS CRI - Cacao Cultivar Register Germplasm: Descriptions are given for 67 clones. More information on 44 of them is given in the Table CATIE, Costa Rica (1). Environment: Details are given in the Table CATIE, Costa Rica (1). Descriptors: Population type, habit, leaf flower, fruit and seed characters, ease of propagation, disease resistance and self-compatibility are described. Character data: Resistance to Ceratocystis: high = < 1.0, medium = 1.1 - 2.0, low = > 2.1. Resistance to Witches' Broom: high = < 1.0, medium = 1.1 - 2.0, low = > 2.1.
Disease Pests Bean Fruit Flush Leaf Flower