Search Results

S 84 /E-10-4-90 [TAF]    Theobroma cacao

 Posnette, A.F. (1943)
Cacao selection on the Gold Coast. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 20: pp. 149-155.

Collected by Posnette.
Location: Asuansi farm, Ghana.

Notes:  Posnette, 1943 [POS43A] Selections made in 1943.

Synonyms: S84 E10 4 90 [TAF], S 84 /E-10-4-90 [POS], S72 J11 4 84 /E-10-4-90 [TAF], S84 E10 4 84 /E-10-4-90 [TAF]


Recorded in ICGD Printed Version, 1992 (End et al., 1992) as S84 E10 4 90 where "S84 E10 4" was the group name and "90" the clone number, but now known to be part of the S [TAF] series.


S 84 [TAF]  x S 84 [TAF]    Togo - IRCC Togo, 1986


List received in 1991   Reference
• Local Name: S 84 E-10-4-90 [TAF]


 KKO, 1993
Colour: dark purple
Size: medium
Number: 45.0


 KKO, 1993
Shape: amelonado
Rugosity: smooth


 KKO, 1993
Colour: green


 KKO, 1993
Self Compatibility: self incompatible

Posnette, A.F. (1943) Cacao selection on the Gold Coast. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 20: pp. 149-155.
Togo - IRCC Togo (1986) Collection de cacaoyers. Composition au 1er Janvier, 1986. IRCC Togo. A.B. Eskes, IRCC, Montpellier, France. Personal Communication.
Togo - IRCC Togo (1991) Collection des clones de cacaoyers presents au Togo. Unpublished report, IRCC Togo, p.1.
KKO (1993) Information from the KKO cocoa germplasm database. Information supplied on computer diskette by C. Cilas, CIRAD-CP, France.