Search Results

102B  Theobroma cacao

Local selection (ICCRI, Indonesia)   Susilo, A., 2008


List received in 2008   Reference
• Accession: IDN-13-TCAC-00410
   - Local Name: 102B

Moderate Resistance, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Average severity = 0.58. 12 trees sampled
 McMahon, P. et al., 2006

Susilo, A. (2008) The list of germplasm collected by ICCRI. Personal communication from Agung Susilo, July 2008.
McMahon, P., Wahab, A., Susilo, A.W., Iswanto, A., Purwantara, A., Sulistyowati, E., Junianto, Y., Sukamto, S., Suntoro, Mufrihati, E., Imron, M., Hidayat, M., Ismail, D., Lambert, S., Guest, D, and Keane, P. (2006) Selection for Quality and Resistance to Phytophthora Pod Rot, Cocoa Pod Borer and Vascular-Streak Dieback in Cocoa in Sulawesi. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Cocoa Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica (2006). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.