Van Hall, 1932a [HAL32A]. Fruits - broad, short sometimes with a blunt, sometimes acuminate apex, may or may not be bottlenecked, smooth with ten ridges.
Notes: Used to describe a particular fruit shape (Span.-like a melon).
Van Hall, 1932a [HAL32A]. Amelonado type defined as broad, short fruits sometimes with a blunt, sometimes acuminate apex. May or may not be bottlenecked. Smooth fruit wall with ten ridges.
Bartley, 1993a [BAR93A]. The term AMELONADO refers to the shape of the pod and thus should not be used as a variety name without some additional information on its origin or description (e.g. WEST AFRICAN AMELONADO" or "RED AMELONADO". Unfortunately there are many instances where the name "AMELONADO" is used in germplasm collections and there is no further information on the origin of the material. In many of these cases, the material is assumed to be WEST AFRICAN AMELONADO although the material has resulted from open pollinations and therefore not show the typical characteristics (See AMELONADO [MAY]).
Duplicate identifier (VARiety) added 8/5/96